I eat dreams
breathe modernity
light knuckles to corvus eyes
drama shit

gossip activates a network
such a variance in reconditioning
swinging from synapse to synopsis
cover undering

Nagel did Playboy
before getting plastered at dry cleaners

I drain heavy
gang stalk morbidity

big poetry has yet to bloom
fish bones tinkle in the breeze


I don’t want to go out
I want to watch television

I want to be desired
but I’d rather rewatch Dexter

I keep passing out during Grey’s Anatomy
escape trumps escapism but it’s abridged edging

rest curdles in odd froth stewing screams
oversewn eyes slinking forced seductions

nebulous forms unsate my dreams
thornier than reality’s brainrot premium

in sooth everyone else is cooler on the Internet
apply a heavy slathering of cringe and pray

flirt back what’s your at having fun carefree
the viewer clicks away jaundiced so chalant

too many men too many problems
we live in the hands we’re given

every media outlet is embarrassing in 2024
graveyard shifts at the imperialist fellating factory

this was a hard watch loved it thanks
you're going in the manifesto with AI mewing

Alexandra Naughton is a writer based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of Be About It Press, established in 2010. She is the author of a place a feeling something he said to you a memoir novel told in second person, and poetry collections such as You Could Never Objectify Me More Than I've Already Objectified Myself, I Will Always Be In Love, I Wish You Never Emailed Me and many more. Her first novel, American Mary, won the 2015 Mainline contest and was published in 2016.
